- Firstly, We should create a new pipeline project.

- We have to select “Pipeline script from SCM” as pipeline definition.

We can choose path to Jenkinsfile and branch
If we want to build when a change is pushed to Bitbucket, we have to check this option.

We must define a webhook to our git provider.

- To access our repository, we should create a new credential.

- We need our SSH private key. If you haven’t SSH key, you can create it with the code below.
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa | pbcopy
- We should add SSH private key to Jenkins credential provider.

- Then, we should add SSH public key to our git provider such as Github, Bitbucket, etc. You can access it with the code below.
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | pbcopy

We need to check Unity, Certificates before create Jenkinsfile
Now, this part is very import.
- To execute Unity “executeMethod” parameter, we should create a new class such as BuildActions.cs
Our Jenkinsfile will consist of 6 stage.
- iOSBuild
You can find Unity cli commands on this link.
- iOSClean
- iOSArchive
- iOSS3(Optional)
- iOSTestFlight
- Jenkins Global Env

If you want to full file of Jenkinsfile, you can download from this link.
- We uploaded to S3 in the previous step and we want to receive mail when coming to file to S3. (Optional) We should create Event notification for this situation

- Then, AWS Lambda function triggered when uploading to S3. The following function is used to read the incoming event.
- To send the mail, we should verify a email address (AWS SES)

- May be you want to notify Slack. You should install Slack Notification Plugin. Then you should define Slack credential.
- You can send the notification with the following code.
def attachments = [
text: 'I find your lack of faith disturbing!',
fallback: 'Hey, Vader seems to be mad at you.',
color: '#ff0000'
slackSend(channel: "#general", attachments: attachments)
If all stage succeed, you can see like the following picture.

I hope you liked it. Feel free to ask question :)